How often did it happen that you were on edge to learn about new business prospects? And once the content is available, then comes the cold shower. You can’t access it unless you own a premium membership. What a bummer!
Is it worth upgrading your account? Is it worth spending time and investing energy in producing premium content? And more importantly, will your investment ever pay back and lead to obtaining valuable leads? Let’s plunge into this fascinating topic as we discuss the evolution of real estate content as an essential step in building your real estate empire! Did you know that an excellent real estate bio can kickstart your career as an agent?
What does premium content mean in the real estate business?
Without the intention of sounding too pretentious, you miss out on crucial information if you decide to pass on premium content. For instance, you won’t have access to the most revolutionary marketing ideas for 2022! Based on our experience, premium content reveals highly informative insights into real estate market trends in most cases.
Are you looking to post great and unique content, but you don’t have time to write?
Are you looking for 100 percent unique and informative material regarding your neighborhood or housing trends in your town? Why don’t you give us a call? Expert content writers at are at your disposal! Posting genuine content on your real estate agent and social media profiles will boost your brand and draw many new clients to you! offers you professional and premium content writing services today! Why don’t you inject your online popularity with fresh blood? Fill out the form below!
You can’t overlook premium content perks!

For more experienced local real estate agents producing bonus content comes highly recommended. Your audience will instantaneously know that they are dealing with proven, fact-checked news and information. Such article’s content is exclusive and often custom-tailored to the most profitable real estate niches’ interests. Niche buyers and sellers already belong to unique and limited groups. So why wouldn’t you cater to their demands and curiosities?
Suppose addressing this select clientele intrigues you. In that case, we suggest you start a real estate blog today (if you haven’t already.) Writing professional articles is one thing, though. It would be best if you also mastered establishing your blog’s target audience. Therefore, your readers will feel that you handle them with special care and let them in insider secrets.
Be a prophet of housing market trends with countless followers!

In addition, albeit on seldom occasions, you can even claim to be the source of new housing trends. For example, you can predict a surge in investment tendency in the South Florida housing market. Or you can share in which direction property management is headed in 2022.
To write such articles, you’ll need to have thorough background knowledge of the trade and sheer deducting mental skills Sherlock Holmes-style. However, we warn you that you’ll tarnish your reputation if you make the capital error of not double-checking your sources before publishing.
Premium content brings you more online exposure.

Dedicated real estate investors constantly look for reliable sources online. They are well aware that even the professional forums and articles regurgitate or copy-paste the same content. It’s no wonder that they’re willing to pay extra to access such material.
Once they deem your content authentic and credible, they can “reward” you with comments, likes, and shares. Shares lead to more people becoming interested in your content. Besides, Google will rank your articles or even your profile sky-high on its search engine results pages. Pleased readers will turn into promising leads. All in all, publishing exclusive market insights will make your ultimate dream come true: stand out from the crowd.
Writing about exclusive topics will bring you financial benefits.

Besides your own LinkedIn, Facebook, and real estate agent profile, it’s entirely up to you on which external or “offsite” platforms you post your premium content. The amount of energy you invest in researching and writing such exclusive content should be reimbursed. Once you’ve completed the material, you can set your payment and commission within the given frame. By all means, you can also undertake custom articles, which pay superbly.
Let’s not rush into creating premium content!
Creating premium texts doesn’t come smoothly, and we wouldn’t recommend it to rookie realtors. Most importantly, agents have to establish a firm reputation in the industry by avoiding particular career-killing moves.
Once they have accumulated experience and emerged as a relatable and reliable businessperson, they can break the ice and experiment with compiling premium content. Ideally, they’ve already set up a solid readership and an avid camp of online followers by that time.
Take baby steps first in content marketing!

Creating content is designed for educational purposes, not just to sell a property. You can enlighten and inform your readership about real estate prospects, financial matters, glossary terms, and housing trends. Remember that every real estate agent sells the same product, only the person and their professional approach change.
The psychology behind real estate content and acquiring more leads
Suppose you have the content at your fingertips: property listings and fascinating articles on various real estate-related topics. Now what? Content marketing comes into the picture next, implying traditional paid advertising, such as Google, Facebook Ads, bus stop advertising, and flyers.
Then, you may ask how to monetize your content strategy and whether online advertising is worth it for agents? How do you turn content marketing into leads and potential clients?
The key here is a personal brand. Customers must choose you specifically over tens or hundreds of other realtors. In other words, strive to build trustworthiness by creating relevant content. Once you build up this reputation, you can decide to go pro and start selling your content in exchange for premium membership.
Ideas of what your original content should cover

Paid ads are a must-have, and every realtor uses them, no questions asked. Still, innovative content with a high informative value would kickstart your career. People need tangible facts and concrete details, such as business prospects, before deciding whether to purchase a home in a given area.
However, experts recommend starting a podcast or a Facebook show targeted at the local community the realtor works in. Next, it would be best if you interviewed businesses in the neighborhood and featured the conversation in their podcasts. Thus, you can emerge as your community’s genuine vocal representative or the information wizard. Besides, you can come forward as a media spokesperson. Can you see the massive potential in this status?
Even Gary Vaynerchuk (Garry Vee), a trendy Amerian entrepreneur and web celebrity, suggests realtors explore the neighborhood around which they sell homes. Think in terms of a ten to twenty-mile radius! For example, agents can publish video content or articles daily in which they review local schools and interview professors. Then, he, too, would cover local enterprises, such as wine and coffee shops. He would give voice to residents living in the area for a long time. The goal is to provide potential buyers with a glimpse into the immediate environment. The buyer will do the rest by making up their own narratives of how they would live there.
So, present your premium content on the local school system, crime stats, amenities, must-see places, etc., in a more heart-warming context! Then, jazz it up with interviews with genuine residents so that your presentation feels authentic.
Behold your first-class content’s positive outcome!

Your content will build bridges between people, where you stand in an advantageous position. In the end, real estate comes down to relationship building. Let us pause here and add in brackets that we don’t predict a bright future for agencies, such as iBuyers in real estate, that have virtually eliminated the human touch from their business transactions.
Based on your neighborhood know-how (shining through your content,) property sellers will be quick to pick you to undertake their home sale. In their turn, satisfied buyers may also endorse you as a referral. If they have forgotten you in the meantime, don’t worry; we have effective ways to retain old clients!
In terms of website analytics, you can drive the traffic generated by the content you post on social media, YouTube, or Spotify to boost your realtor profiles’ visibility and exposure to new prospects. Even Garry Vee admits that Twitter and Facebook might be the most fantastic driver of content awareness to other destinations. As a result, he recommends investing in social network groups and recognizing the distribution opportunities.
Final thoughts
Not many realtors and brokers have the time and the zing to create unique articles peppered with hi-res photos and quality videos. We are undoubtedly aware that extra content doesn’t come effortlessly. For this reason, we suggest you get in touch with bloggers and vloggers. You can find professional writers who will happily comply with your requirements and develop top real estate blogs.
This article intended to demonstrate how a building is constructed by laying bricks by bricks. If you don’t have a solid brick, the whole building will crumble. That brick is your content.
Creating and publishing premium content will catapult you into the elite club of skilled realtors. In fact, exclusive material is the next stage of the big picture, namely content marketing. A well-planned marketing campaign can get more clicks, commendable exposure, and increased brand awareness. Posting premium content will most definitely increase the number of your promising leads and boost your career as a realtor!